Work experience

Work experience

  • (2021-2023)

    DIGITAL DESIGN LEAD @ Strelka KB (Moscow)

    Leading digital design and development at the biggest Russian urban consultancy

  • (2020)

    DESIGN CONSULTANT @ Futurice (Stockholm)

    Helping Scandinavian copropations build digital products

  • (2017-2019)

    UX/UI DESIGNER @ Polys (Moscow)

    Crafting a product aiming to reimagine the process of voting

  • (2016-2017)

    UX/UI DESIGNER @ Division Of/ (New York)

    Designing digital products on the most competitive market in the world



  • (2015-2016)

    HYPER ISLAND (Stockholm)

    Interactive Art Director program. Learning digital in the place known as 'Digital Harvard'